Lines Matching refs:heredoc
2 Test krsort() function : usage variations - sort heredoc strings
11 * testing krsort() by providing array of heredoc strings for $array argument with
20 // Different heredoc strings to be sorted
30 heredoc string\twith!@# and 123
37 $multiline_heredoc => "heredoc string\twith!@# and 123\nTest this!!!"
40 echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' value is defualt --\n";
45 echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_REGULAR --\n";
50 echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_STRING --\n";
60 -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' value is defualt --
63 ["heredoc string with!@# and 123
65 string(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123
73 -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_REGULAR --
76 ["heredoc string with!@# and 123
78 string(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123
86 -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_STRING --
89 ["heredoc string with!@# and 123
91 string(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123