Lines Matching refs:dir
2 Test copy() function: usage variations - src as dir and dest as an existing file(Bug #42243)
10 /* Test copy(): Trying to copy dir to an existing file */
12 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to copy dir to file ***\n";
16 $dir = $file_path."/copy_variation13";
17 mkdir($dir);
19 echo "*** Testing copy() in copying dir to file ***\n";
20 var_dump( copy($dir, $file) );
23 var_dump( file_exists($dir) );
25 var_dump( is_file($dir) );
26 var_dump( is_dir($dir) );
32 var_dump( filesize($dir) );
44 *** Test copy() function: Trying to copy dir to file ***
45 *** Testing copy() in copying dir to file ***