Lines Matching refs:Test
2 Test array_diff() function : basic functionality
12 * Test basic functionality of array_diff
17 //Test indexed array with integers as elements
21 echo "-- Test indexed array with integers as elements --\n";
26 //Test indexed array with strings as elements
30 echo "-- Test indexed array with strings as elements --\n";
34 //Test associative array with strings as keys and integers as elements
38 echo "-- Test associative array with strings as keys and integers as elements --\n";
42 //Test associative array with strings as keys and elements
46 echo "-- Test associative array with strings as keys and integers as elements --\n";
50 echo "-- Test array_diff with more than 2 arguments --\n";
57 -- Test indexed array with integers as elements --
70 -- Test indexed array with strings as elements --
83 -- Test associative array with strings as keys and integers as elements --
96 -- Test associative array with strings as keys and integers as elements --
109 -- Test array_diff with more than 2 arguments --