Lines Matching refs:method
40 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
56 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
63 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
70 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
77 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
84 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
91 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
98 Inspecting method 'autocommit'
114 Inspecting parameter 'mode' of method 'autocommit'
121 Inspecting method 'begin_transaction'
137 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'begin_transaction'
144 Inspecting parameter 'name' of method 'begin_transaction'
151 Inspecting method 'change_user'
167 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'change_user'
174 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'change_user'
181 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'change_user'
188 Inspecting method 'character_set_name'
204 Inspecting method 'close'
220 Inspecting method 'commit'
236 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'commit'
243 Inspecting parameter 'name' of method 'commit'
250 Inspecting method 'connect'
266 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'connect'
273 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'connect'
280 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'connect'
287 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'connect'
294 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'connect'
301 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'connect'
308 Inspecting method 'debug'
324 Inspecting parameter 'debug_options' of method 'debug'
331 Inspecting method 'dump_debug_info'
347 Inspecting method 'escape_string'
363 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'escape_string'
370 Inspecting method 'get_charset'
386 Inspecting method 'get_client_info'
402 Inspecting method 'get_connection_stats'
418 Inspecting method 'get_server_info'
434 Inspecting method 'get_warnings'
450 Inspecting method 'init'
466 Inspecting method 'kill'
482 Inspecting parameter 'connection_id' of method 'kill'
489 Inspecting method 'more_results'
505 Inspecting method 'multi_query'
521 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'multi_query'
528 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
544 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
551 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
558 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
565 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
572 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
579 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
586 Inspecting method 'next_result'
602 Inspecting method 'options'
618 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'options'
625 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'options'
632 Inspecting method 'ping'
648 Inspecting method 'poll'
664 Inspecting parameter 'read' of method 'poll'
671 Inspecting parameter 'write' of method 'poll'
678 Inspecting parameter 'error' of method 'poll'
685 Inspecting parameter 'sec' of method 'poll'
692 Inspecting parameter 'usec' of method 'poll'
699 Inspecting method 'prepare'
715 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'prepare'
722 Inspecting method 'query'
738 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'query'
745 Inspecting method 'real_connect'
761 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'real_connect'
768 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'real_connect'
775 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'real_connect'
782 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'real_connect'
789 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'real_connect'
796 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'real_connect'
803 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'real_connect'
810 Inspecting method 'real_escape_string'
826 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'real_escape_string'
833 Inspecting method 'real_query'
849 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'real_query'
856 Inspecting method 'reap_async_query'
872 Inspecting method 'refresh'
888 Inspecting parameter 'options' of method 'refresh'
895 Inspecting method 'release_savepoint'
911 Inspecting parameter 'name' of method 'release_savepoint'
918 Inspecting method 'rollback'
934 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'rollback'
941 Inspecting parameter 'name' of method 'rollback'
948 Inspecting method 'savepoint'
964 Inspecting parameter 'name' of method 'savepoint'
971 Inspecting method 'select_db'
987 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'select_db'
994 Inspecting method 'set_charset'
1010 Inspecting parameter 'charset' of method 'set_charset'
1017 Inspecting method 'set_opt'
1033 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'set_opt'
1040 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'set_opt'
1047 Inspecting method 'ssl_set'
1063 Inspecting parameter 'key' of method 'ssl_set'
1070 Inspecting parameter 'cert' of method 'ssl_set'
1077 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority' of method 'ssl_set'
1084 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority_path' of method 'ssl_set'
1091 Inspecting parameter 'cipher' of method 'ssl_set'
1098 Inspecting method 'stat'
1114 Inspecting method 'stmt_init'
1130 Inspecting method 'store_result'
1146 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'store_result'
1153 Inspecting method 'thread_safe'
1169 Inspecting method 'use_result'