Lines Matching refs:group

1494        a non-possessive quantifier. Similarly, if an atomic group is  present,
1509 ence as the condition or test for a specific group recursion are not
2243 (2) At run time, a back reference to an unset subpattern group matches
2443 27 conditional group contains more than two branches
2471 54 DEFINE group contains more than one branch
2472 55 repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
2504 84 group name must start with a non-digit
4234 in a specific group. These are not supported.
4331 alternation bar. If the pattern contains a conditional group whose con-
4621 if (*THEN) is present in a group that is called as a subroutine, its
4622 action is limited to that group, even if the group does not contain any
5285 This is an example of an "atomic group", details of which are given
5286 below. This particular group matches either the two-character sequence
5467 "extended grapheme cluster", and treats the sequence as an atomic group
5740 A group that starts with (?| resets the capturing parentheses numbers
6105 Because the two alternatives are inside a (?| group, both sets of cap-
6109 not all, of one of a number of alternatives. Inside a (?| group, paren-
6360 ing .* is inside an atomic group. Once again, a match at the start may
6429 atomic group is just a single repeated item, as in the example above, a
6436 Note that a possessive quantifier can be used with an entire group, for
6443 simpler forms of atomic group. However, there is no difference in the
6444 meaning of a possessive quantifier and the equivalent atomic group,
6461 atomic group is the only way to avoid some failing matches taking a
6480 group, like this:
6599 Back references of this type cause the group that they reference to be
6600 treated as an atomic group. Once the whole group has been matched, a
6602 of the group.
6894 The first part of the pattern is a DEFINE group inside which a another
6895 group named "byte" is defined. This matches an individual component of
6898 condition. The rest of the pattern uses references to the named group
7071 always treated as an atomic group. That is, once it has matched some of
7093 is treated as an atomic group, there are now no backtracking points,
7152 match "b", then in the second group, when the back reference \1 fails
7247 are all numbered 255. If there is a conditional group in the pattern
7413 appears inside an atomic group or an assertion that is true, its effect
7414 is confined to that group, because once the group has been matched,
7416 ing can "jump back" to the left of the entire atomic group or asser-
7476 (*PRUNE) is just an alternative to an atomic group or possessive quan-
7526 after the end of the group if FOO succeeds); on failure, the matcher
7530 track to whatever came before the entire group. If (*THEN) is not
7612 (*COMMIT) in the second repeat of the group acts.
7625 alternative in the innermost enclosing group that has alternations,
7652 (*THEN) skips to the next alternative in the innermost enclosing group
7653 within the subpattern that has alternatives. If there is no such group
7908 (...) capturing group
7909 (?<name>...) named capturing group (Perl)
7910 (?'name'...) named capturing group (Perl)
7911 (?P<name>...) named capturing group (Python)
7912 (?:...) non-capturing group
7913 (?|...) non-capturing group; reset group numbers for
7919 (?>...) atomic, non-capturing group
8029 (?(Rn)... specific group recursion condition
8456 tion condition in a conditional group.
9492 an atomic group or a possessive quantifier.
10078 insert text matching corresponding parenthesized group from the pat-