Lines Matching refs:called

720   . Fixed bug #68799 (Free called on uninitialized pointer). (CVE-2015-0232)
764 . Fixed bug #68371 (PDO#getAttribute() cannot be called with platform-specific
1007 . Fixed bug #67436 (Autoloader isn't called if two method definitions don't
1077 . Fixed regression in fix for bug #67118 (constructor can't be called twice).
1638 ob_start('ob_gzhandler') is called) (Mike)
2396 . Fixed bug #63462 (Magic methods called twice for unset protected
2467 . Fixed bug #63468 (wrong called method as callback with inheritance).
2605 . Fixed bug #61767 (Shutdown functions not called in certain error
2681 . Fixed bug #62716 (munmap() is called with the incorrect length).
2843 . Fixed bug #62081 (IntlDateFormatter constructor leaks memory when called
3319 called only once per process). (Hannes)
3542 . XSL doesn't stop transformation anymore, if a PHP function can't be called
3733 having had its dtor callback called in between). (Gustavo)
4621 . Fixed bug #53141 (autoload misbehaves if called from closing session).
5033 - Fixed bug #51827 (Bad warning when register_shutdown_function called with
5096 - Fixed bug #51291 (oci_error doesn't report last error when called two times)
5132 - Fixed bug #50762 (in WSDL mode Soap Header handler function only being called
6158 - Fixed bug #47343 (gc_collect_cycles causes a segfault when called within a
6399 - Fixed bug #47981 (error handler not called regardless). (Hannes)
6456 - Fixed bug #46109 (Memory leak when mysqli::init() is called multiple times).
7022 - Fixed bug #42937 (__call() method not invoked when methods are called on parent from child class)…
7268 - Fixed bug #42151 (__destruct functions not called after catching a SoapFault
7656 - Fixed bug #40621 (Crash when constructor called inappropriately). (Tony)
8055 - Fixed bug #38456 (Apache2 segfaults when virtual() is called in .php
8184 - Changed __toString() to be called wherever applicable. (Marcus)
8222 . Changed ap_set_content_type() to be called only once. (Mike)
8289 - Fixed bug #39003 (__autoload() is called for type hinting). (Dmitry, Tony)
8316 - Fixed bug #38813 (DOMEntityReference->__construct crashes when called
8368 - Fixed bug #38450 (constructor is not called for classes used in userspace
8426 called Foo). (Jani)
8802 - Fixed bug #36268 (Object destructors called even after fatal errors). (Dmitry)
9019 frame was called from an object. (Sebastian)
9064 only allow certain functions to be called from XSLT. (Christian)
9274 - Fixed bug #35197 (Destructor is not called). (Tony)
9366 zend_objects_store_destroy is called). (Dmitry)
9389 - Fixed bug #34307 (on_modify handler not called to set the default value if
9442 - Fixed bug #33940 (array_map() fails to pass by reference when called
9599 - Fixed bug #32682 (ext/mssql: Error on module shutdown when called from
9656 - Fixed bug #32009 (crash when mssql_bind() is called more than once). (Frank)
9735 - Fixed bug #29268 (__autoload() not called with Reflection->getClass()).
9759 - Fixed bug #27908 (xml default_handlers not being called). (Rob)
9764 called via STDIN). (Dmitry)
9891 was not called previously). (Ilia)
9927 because of fflush() called on already closed filedescriptor). (Tony)
9938 - Fixed bug #28840 (__destruct of a class that extends mysqli not called).
10031 - Fixed bug #30061 (xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler not called). (Rob)
10116 - Changed destructor mechanism so that destructors are called prior to request
10126 PHP function called from XSLT). (Christian)
10136 - Fixed bug #29409 (Segfault in PHP functions called from XSLT). (Rob)
10142 - Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from