Lines Matching refs:method
42 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
58 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
65 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
72 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
79 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
86 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
93 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
100 Inspecting method 'autocommit'
116 Inspecting parameter 'mode' of method 'autocommit'
123 Inspecting method 'change_user'
139 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'change_user'
146 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'change_user'
153 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'change_user'
160 Inspecting method 'character_set_name'
176 Inspecting method 'close'
192 Inspecting method 'commit'
208 Inspecting method 'connect'
224 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'connect'
231 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'connect'
238 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'connect'
245 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'connect'
252 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'connect'
259 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'connect'
266 Inspecting method 'debug'
282 Inspecting parameter 'debug_options' of method 'debug'
289 Inspecting method 'dump_debug_info'
305 Inspecting method 'escape_string'
321 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'escape_string'
328 Inspecting method 'get_charset'
344 Inspecting method 'get_client_info'
360 Inspecting method 'get_connection_stats'
376 Inspecting method 'get_server_info'
392 Inspecting method 'get_warnings'
408 Inspecting method 'init'
424 Inspecting method 'kill'
440 Inspecting parameter 'connection_id' of method 'kill'
447 Inspecting method 'more_results'
463 Inspecting method 'multi_query'
479 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'multi_query'
486 Inspecting method 'mysqli'
502 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'mysqli'
509 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'mysqli'
516 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'mysqli'
523 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'mysqli'
530 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'mysqli'
537 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'mysqli'
544 Inspecting method 'next_result'
560 Inspecting method 'options'
576 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'options'
583 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'options'
590 Inspecting method 'ping'
606 Inspecting method 'poll'
622 Inspecting parameter 'read' of method 'poll'
629 Inspecting parameter 'write' of method 'poll'
636 Inspecting parameter 'error' of method 'poll'
643 Inspecting parameter 'sec' of method 'poll'
650 Inspecting parameter 'usec' of method 'poll'
657 Inspecting method 'prepare'
673 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'prepare'
680 Inspecting method 'query'
696 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'query'
703 Inspecting method 'real_connect'
719 Inspecting parameter 'host' of method 'real_connect'
726 Inspecting parameter 'user' of method 'real_connect'
733 Inspecting parameter 'password' of method 'real_connect'
740 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'real_connect'
747 Inspecting parameter 'port' of method 'real_connect'
754 Inspecting parameter 'socket' of method 'real_connect'
761 Inspecting parameter 'flags' of method 'real_connect'
768 Inspecting method 'real_escape_string'
784 Inspecting parameter 'string_to_escape' of method 'real_escape_string'
791 Inspecting method 'real_query'
807 Inspecting parameter 'query' of method 'real_query'
814 Inspecting method 'reap_async_query'
830 Inspecting method 'refresh'
846 Inspecting parameter 'options' of method 'refresh'
853 Inspecting method 'rollback'
869 Inspecting method 'select_db'
885 Inspecting parameter 'database' of method 'select_db'
892 Inspecting method 'set_charset'
908 Inspecting parameter 'charset' of method 'set_charset'
915 Inspecting method 'set_opt'
931 Inspecting parameter 'option' of method 'set_opt'
938 Inspecting parameter 'value' of method 'set_opt'
945 Inspecting method 'ssl_set'
961 Inspecting parameter 'key' of method 'ssl_set'
968 Inspecting parameter 'cert' of method 'ssl_set'
975 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority' of method 'ssl_set'
982 Inspecting parameter 'certificate_authority_path' of method 'ssl_set'
989 Inspecting parameter 'cipher' of method 'ssl_set'
996 Inspecting method 'stat'
1012 Inspecting method 'stmt_init'
1028 Inspecting method 'store_result'
1044 Inspecting method 'thread_safe'
1060 Inspecting method 'use_result'