Lines Matching refs:aa

784 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88o" - grapheme_strpos = 5 == 5
785 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strpos = false == false
786 find "o%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strpos = 4 == 4
787 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 2 == 2
788 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 1 == 1
800 find "op" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88opq" - grapheme_strpos = 5 == 5
801 find "opq" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88opq" - grapheme_strpos = 5 == 5
802 find "abc" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strpos = false == false
803 find "o%CC%88bco%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88bco%CC%88" - grapheme_strpos = 4 == 4
804 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 2 == 2
805 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 1 == 1
825 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" - grapheme_stripos = 5 == 5
826 find "O" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_stripos = false == false
827 find "o%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8AbcO%CC%88" - grapheme_stripos = 4 == 4
828 find "A%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stripos = 2 == 2
839 find "oP" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" - grapheme_stripos = 5 == 5
840 find "opQ" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" - grapheme_stripos = 5 == 5
841 find "abc" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_stripos = false == false
842 find "O%CC%88bco%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88bCo%CC%88" - grapheme_stripos = 4 == 4
843 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8ABc" - grapheme_stripos = 2 == 2
844 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8ABC" - grapheme_stripos = 1 == 1
862 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88o" - grapheme_strrpos = 5 == 5
863 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strrpos = false == false
864 find "o%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strrpos = 4 == 4
865 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 2 == 2
866 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 1 == 1
878 find "op" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88opq" - grapheme_strrpos = 5 == 5
879 find "opq" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88opq" - grapheme_strrpos = 5 == 5
880 find "abc" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strrpos = false == false
881 find "o%CC%88bco%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88bco%CC%88" - grapheme_strrpos = 4 == 4
882 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 2 == 2
883 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 1 == 1
903 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" - grapheme_strripos = 5 == 5
904 find "O" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strripos = false == false
905 find "o%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8AbcO%CC%88" - grapheme_strripos = 4 == 4
906 find "A%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strripos = 2 == 2
917 find "oP" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" - grapheme_strripos = 5 == 5
918 find "opQ" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" - grapheme_strripos = 5 == 5
919 find "abc" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strripos = false == false
920 find "O%CC%88bco%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88bCo%CC%88" - grapheme_strripos = 4 == 4
921 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8ABc" - grapheme_strripos = 2 == 2
922 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8ABC" - grapheme_strripos = 1 == 1
941 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" from "5" - grapheme_substr = false == false
944 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" from "5" - grapheme_substr = O == O
945 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" from "5" - grapheme_substr = false == false
946 substring of "aa%CC%8AbcO%CC%88" from "4" - grapheme_substr = O%CC%88 == O%CC%88
947 substring of "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" from "2" - grapheme_substr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
959 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length 10 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
960 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr = Opq == Opq
961 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = Op == Op
962 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = O == O
963 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = ==
964 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = false == false
965 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == aa%CC%8Abc…
966 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
967 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O …
968 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 =…
969 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%CC…
970 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -5 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC%…
971 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
972 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -7 = a == a
973 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -8 = ==
974 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -9 = false == false
975 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == aa%CC%8Ab…
976 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-7" - grapheme_substr = a%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == a%CC%8Abco…
977 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-6" - grapheme_substr = bco%CC%88Opq == bco%CC%88Opq
978 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-5" - grapheme_substr = co%CC%88Opq == co%CC%88Opq
979 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-4" - grapheme_substr = o%CC%88Opq == o%CC%88Opq
980 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-3" - grapheme_substr = Opq == Opq
981 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-2" - grapheme_substr = pq == pq
982 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-1" - grapheme_substr = q == q
983 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-999" - grapheme_substr = false == false
984 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 8 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
985 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 7 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
986 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 6 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O …
987 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 5 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 =…
988 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%CC…
989 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 3 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC%…
990 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 2 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
991 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 1 = a == a
992 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 0 = ==
993 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -999 = false == false
994 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O…
995 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O…
996 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 …
997 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%C…
998 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -5 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC…
999 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%…
1000 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -7 = a == a
1001 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -8 = ==
1002 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -9 = false == false
1006 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88o" - grapheme_strstr = o == o
1007 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strstr = false == false
1008 find "o%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_strstr = o%CC%88 == o%CC%88
1009 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1010 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1029 find "b" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = bc == bc
1033 find "a%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1034 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr before flag is FALSE = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1035 find "a" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr before flag is TRUE = ==
1044 find "O%CC%88" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_stristr = o%CC%88 == o%CC%88
1045 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" - grapheme_stristr = O == O
1046 find "o" in "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" - grapheme_stristr = false == false
1047 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1048 find "A%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1067 find "B" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = bc == bc
1071 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1073 find "A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr before flag is TRUE = ==