Lines Matching refs:test

5 You may decide to automaticaly submit a test summary to our QA workflow
6 at the end of a test run.
7 Please do *not* submit a failed test as a bug or ask for help on why
9 on *why* the test failed on your special setup. Thank you :-)
14 The easiest way to test your PHP build is to run "make test" from the
18 To execute test scripts, you must build PHP with some SAPI, then you
19 type "make test" to execute all or some test scripts saved under
23 make test
25 "make test" basically executes "run-tests.php" script
33 [Which "php" executable "make test" look for]
37 select the PHP executable that is to be tested, that is, used to run the test scripts.
39 If you run the tests using make test, the PHP CLI and CGI executables are
40 automatically set for you. "make test" executes "run-tests.php" script with the CLI binary. Some
41 test scripts such as session must be executed by CGI SAPI. Therefore,
45 executing test scripts may differ. If you use different PHP binary for
51 "make test" uses the same php.ini file as it would once installed.
53 so if you find a test that is affected by a setting, please report
57 [Which test scripts are executed]
59 "run-tests.php" ("make test"), without any arguments executes all
60 test scripts by extracting all directories named "tests"
64 the 'SKIP' section. If the test is eligible for execution, the 'FILE'
69 regarded as a test file.
80 Test results are printed to standard output. If there is a failed test,
82 code executed to the test script directory. For example, if
85 ext/myext/tests/myext.php - actual test file executed
86 ext/myext/tests/myext.log - log of test execution (L)
88 ext/myext/tests/myext.out - output from test script (O)
91 Failed tests are always bugs. Either the test is bugged or not considering
94 test name or the file name. You can check the status of such a bug, by
97 sign '#' in test names and/or test cases are named bug12345.phpt.
105 detailed test information.
112 Normally, the exit status of "make test" is zero, regardless of the results
114 and "make test" will set the exit status ("$?") to non-zero, when an
115 individual test has failed.
118 ========== =============
131 # Set test environment
138 $MAKE test >>$TMPDIR/phpqatest.$TODAY 2>&1
139 if test $? -gt 0
143 ========== end of =============
146 REPORT_EXIT_STATUS is set. The result of "make test" may be higher
148 advised to test for non-zero, rather then a specific value.
151 [Creating new test files]
153 Writing test file is very easy if you are used to PHP.
154 See the HOWTO at
159 If you find bug in PHP, you can submit bug report AND test script
160 for us. You don't have to write complete script, just give us test
161 script with following format. Please test the script and make sure