History log of /web-php/index.php (Results 901 – 925 of 1004)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# f12d0bd4 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

General look and feel, no need to underline IMHO

# 5a435afe 26-Jul-2001 Rasmus Lerdorf

Let's look 3 months out...

# f54fb67d 24-Jul-2001 Rasmus Lerdorf

Only name the event on its first day it appears within the time-window

# 2cfa8af3 22-Jul-2001 Rasmus Lerdorf

Add upcoming events to the right sidebar. A bit of an experiment here.
I have mirror sites fetching a CSV from www.php.net once every 6 hours.
As far as I can tell this should work just fine

Add upcoming events to the right sidebar. A bit of an experiment here.
I have mirror sites fetching a CSV from www.php.net once every 6 hours.
As far as I can tell this should work just fine, but let's keep an eye
on this concept and see if it actually does. The code is written such
that if for some reason a mirror can't get or can't save the CSV, it still
works but just doesn't show the upcoming events.

show more ...

# 93f02177 21-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Manual and calendar news [please correct if it
is grammatically not correct]

# 337d7c93 21-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

New stats, moving it up

# b15a540f 18-Jul-2001 Peter Petermann

commit for Sebastian Bergmann

# 839a519b 08-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Be actual, LinuxTag is just closed today :))

# cb608984 08-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Reformat the tutorial page, more HTML cosmetics

# d0c4ce4b 08-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy


# c606868a 07-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

New site design is not news anymore... Some generalization...

# ab5b4a99 07-Jul-2001 jim winstead

they don't capitalize pair.

# fc42220e 04-Jul-2001 jim winstead

early bird registration isover

# ba7389ac 01-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Update book numbers

# 32d0d331 01-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Just a technical patch (hope it wont brake anything)

Useing <?php standard open tags instead of the
shorter one

At least trying to be short_tags off compatible.

more to

Just a technical patch (hope it wont brake anything)

Useing <?php standard open tags instead of the
shorter one

At least trying to be short_tags off compatible.

more to come...

show more ...

# fff9fdbc 01-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy


# f1fba873 01-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Forgot to delete the mailing list are not available notice :)

# 59803232 01-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Use the same pair.com link (although pair owns .net and .org :)

# 746d083a 30-Jun-2001 Rasmus Lerdorf

I think pair should be in the "Thanks to" section and not the "Related
sites" section.

# 281bbfb5 30-Jun-2001 Rasmus Lerdorf

Add pair Networks to sidebar and thanks.php page - will update the VA
entry when we figure out what to put on the server when it comes back up.

# f6b68e59 30-Jun-2001 Zeev Suraski

Thank Pair networks

# c554d5c2 30-Jun-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

ApacheCon CFP date is over,
PHP 4.0.5 release is not news :)

# c0f5ca90 23-Jun-2001 Zeev Suraski

We're over this one...

# 73de0b7d 23-Jun-2001 Zeev Suraski

Release 4.0.6

# 6d3bf881 20-Jun-2001 jim winstead

maybe this will deflect an email or two warning us about supposed security holes.
