History log of /web-php/index.php (Results 876 – 900 of 1004)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# 7638eed5 07-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Typo corrected

# 38b1f862 04-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Make the php-gtk logo a link, as all the other logos on
the homepage

# 898016c4 04-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

This is href, not herf

# 113ffba2 04-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Announcing new PDF manuals :)))

# 728c4194 04-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Links pointed to /download-docs.php instead of /docs.php

# d6ebe6a4 02-Aug-2001 Andrei Zmievski


# 5fc0adf3 02-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

OK, need to have that space here

# 9c73a092 02-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

As the comment suggests: "move this entry to the top when you update it!"

# bba38181 02-Aug-2001 Andrei Zmievski

Emp -> emphasis.

# 59a75366 02-Aug-2001 Andrei Zmievski


# d83bb695 02-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

PHP version note added to PHP-GTK news.

# c16dde39 02-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

No need to have that <p> here...

# 9c1b464f 02-Aug-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Release of PHP-GTK 0.1 (old GTK news removed, new addded)

# a06f3269 30-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

ApacheCon links can also be shorter

# f81d1a70 30-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Shorter URL's [thanks to Rasmus for the info]

# cca95872 29-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Listing tutorials from OSCON, moving this up,
as this is now news :)

# 984aec68 29-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Erm, using realitve links, to stay at the mirror you see

# a8414c05 29-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

OSCON is over. Do anybody have presentations online?
We should list them as the Apachecon news item shows

# 3054588f 29-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

News: FAQ is in the manual now
Hope my english is not too bad :)

# d33e678f 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

No need for that <br> here

# 2b19f2aa 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Should be a bit smaller (H3 is bigger than H4 but not than H2)

# 2376bae3 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Playing with the index file :) No need for a hr here IMHO.

# 4d991018 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Still trying ot beautify that add event link :)

# 6dca1de2 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Some more formatting

# 97c62aaf 27-Jul-2001 Gabor Hojtsy

Also using hdelim() as it is the horizontal delimiter
