History log of /web-php/index.php (Results 751 – 775 of 1004)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# 8d7e0837 12-Jun-2002 James Cox

prevent parse errors.

# b51874f1 11-Jun-2002 Andi Gutmans

- Change .tar.gz for engine 2

# 295051c9 11-Jun-2002 Mark Kronsbein

Kick out LinuxTag pictures

# b812e1a6 10-Jun-2002 Mark Kronsbein

Changed LinuxTag picture URL because the server has nearly been php.netted :)

# d91aa2da 10-Jun-2002 Edin Kadribasic

Added windows distribution of Engine 2 preview.

# 8ea6bb26 09-Jun-2002 Mark Kronsbein

Linuxtag pictures available

# cf9f96d5 09-Jun-2002 Zeev Suraski

Add missing space

# ffa1fddf 09-Jun-2002 Zeev Suraski

Add missing paragraphs

# b89cef1a 09-Jun-2002 Zeev Suraski

Publish 4.3.0-ZE2 alpha

# 80cc1bcf 07-Jun-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Try to avoid that extra month and event entry on the homepage
(displayed because of the newline on the last line of the CSV file)

# 4a9d4870 07-Jun-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Moving old news to news.php, make index.php a bit more slim =>
loads faster => displays faster => user's are happier ;)

# 6e422af5 06-Jun-2002 Andrei Zmievski

Add ActiveState Awards announcement.

# ced3ee65 30-May-2002 James Cox

ok, two people fixing something at the same time is bad.

# 4b814e21 30-May-2002 James Cox

what's a dunderhead? :)

# 7084fb34 30-May-2002 Rasmus Lerdorf

Uh, careful!

# f5076d15 30-May-2002 jim winstead

description field has addslashes called on it when exported

# 23335e40 27-May-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Applying corrections requested by the Novell stuff

# 5f3b198a 27-May-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Adding a bit more info, to make guys excited ;))

# 5f58a17c 27-May-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Add Novell news item

# eacd4b58 23-May-2002 James Cox


# ffd1404a 23-May-2002 James Cox

mention dates, duh

# cc70cea4 23-May-2002 James Cox


# 1478175d 23-May-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Correcting typo

# 04f9e8b7 17-May-2002 James Cox


# bcfcf162 16-May-2002 Gabor Hojtsy

Adding PHP Coding Contest news
