History log of /web-php/ChangeLog-8.php (Results 76 – 100 of 131)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 343568c0 28-Oct-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Announce PHP 8.0.25

# e1aab133 30-Sep-2022 Remi Collet

add missing CVEs

# b461cfce 30-Sep-2022 Sara Golemon


# eed0a191 29-Sep-2022 Patrick Allaert

Manually added CVE info

# b1191376 29-Sep-2022 Patrick Allaert

Announce PHP 8.1.11

# b8c35de3 05-Sep-2022 Christoph M. Becker

Remove contributor names from changelog

These have not been removed by news2html due to formatting issues
(missing the trailing period).

# 25aad7fa 01-Sep-2022 Sara Golemon

Announce 8.0.23

# 3ed690eb 01-Sep-2022 Ben Ramsey

Announce PHP 8.1.10

# c23fe7f9 06-Aug-2022 Markus Staab

Fix typos in changelog

Closes GH-683.

# cefb40f5 04-Aug-2022 Patrick Allaert

Announce PHP 8.1.9

# 66e61dec 04-Aug-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Fixes to PHP 8.0.22 announcement

Missed these name entries while generating the changes locally,
removing to keep it consistent with the entire file.

# 86ea3fc5 04-Aug-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Announce PHP 8.0.22

# 22ea1e2e 08-Jul-2022 Remi Collet

drop entry for reverted fix

# fcccf519 07-Jul-2022 Ben Ramsey

Announce PHP 8.1.8

# b112b436 07-Jul-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Announce PHP 8.0.21

# d9e64b1b 09-Jun-2022 Sara Golemon

Announce 8.0.20

# c2948779 09-Jun-2022 Kamil Tekiela

Remove names of contributors from changelog

It appears to be a problem with a tool since the names don't appear anywhere else

Closes GH-521.

# da392852 09-Jun-2022 Ben Ramsey

Announce PHP 8.1.7

# 9f796a96 12-May-2022 Ben Ramsey

Announce PHP 8.1.6

# cc82bc67 12-May-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Announce PHP 8.0.19

# 57dd39fc 15-Apr-2022 Sara Golemon

Announce 8.0.18

# 560616ac 14-Apr-2022 Patrick Allaert

Announce PHP 8.1.5

# 3672b44c 17-Mar-2022 Ben Ramsey

Announce PHP 8.1.4

# 234f6f76 17-Mar-2022 Gabriel Caruso

Announce PHP 8.0.17

# 2f4fcfb2 17-Feb-2022 Patrick Allaert

Announce 8.1.3