History log of /PHP-7.0/ext/skeleton/create_stubs (Results 26 – 31 of 31)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# 3fb9b8f4 17-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Missed one if() and cosmetic changes.

# 495a957c 15-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Fixed incorrect code generated when all parameters are optional.
- Fixed handling of grouped optional parameters.
- Added an option to generate xml documentation.
- Added an option not

- Fixed incorrect code generated when all parameters are optional.
- Fixed handling of grouped optional parameters.
- Added an option to generate xml documentation.
- Added an option not to be nice and helpful and create all kinds
of comments and testing functions.
- Added on option to create function stubs only.
- Added options --assing-params and --string-lens that change
the generated code.
- Updated documentation.

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# d64c9d28 11-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Avoid generating unnecessary switch statemets.
- Add a test if argument was given (if it is optional) before trying to
fetch a resource and a note that something should be done if it wasn

- Avoid generating unnecessary switch statemets.
- Add a test if argument was given (if it is optional) before trying to
fetch a resource and a note that something should be done if it wasn't.
- Some cosmetic fixes in the code generated.
- Some other small fixes in the code generated, already forgotten.

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# 88426390 10-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Fix incorrect code creation when an optional argument is resource type.

# f3c1222d 10-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Fix typos, add default case to switch and other small things.

# b54f9152 10-Jun-2000 Jouni Ahto

- Automatically generate C code to handle arguments passed to a PHP function
based on function proto.
# Very cool! Try yourself, put for example the following line in file funcs:
# bool

- Automatically generate C code to handle arguments passed to a PHP function
based on function proto.
# Very cool! Try yourself, put for example the following line in file funcs:
# bool drawtext(string text, resource font, int x, int y [, resource color])
# and then run ./ext_skel foobar /full/path/to/funcs and then look at
# foobar.c...

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